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Best Tummy Tuck for Your Body

Best Tummy Tuck for Your Body

Tummy Tuck Before/After Gallery Tummy tucks are not just for celebrities. In addition, many people think that only women can have tummy tucks. But contrary to popular belief, men can also benefit from the amazing results of a tummy tuck procedure. Currently numbered...

Neck Lift Surgery – Is It Right for You?

If you have begun to notice the skin beneath your chin getting loose, floppy or sagging, or you feel you’re developing a double chin or a “turkey neck”, it could be a good time to check out neck lift surgery. What is Neck Lift Surgery? Genetics, aging, the effects of...
Types of Facelifts

Types of Facelifts

Multiple improvements to the neck, jawline, lines by corners of mouth, lower eyelids and upper eyelids A facelift remains one of the top sought-after plastic surgery procedures in the United States. Facelifts are still popular for good reason. A well-done facelift...
Laser Neck Lift With PrecisionTX

Laser Neck Lift With PrecisionTX

A laser treatment that provides best results with minimal downtime, Ganchi Plastic Surgery now offers PrecisionTX. This precision laser treatment technology enables contouring of the neck, jawline and jowls without surgery. What is PrecisionTX Laser Neck Lift? Ganchi...