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What You Need to Know: A Quick Labiaplasty FAQ

What You Need to Know: A Quick Labiaplasty FAQ

Labiaplasty, a type of vaginal rejuvenation focused on the labia, is gaining popularity, and it’s no surprise that patients have a lot of questions when considering this procedure. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve put together a quick labiaplasty FAQ. We...
Tips for Recovering from Labiaplasty

Tips for Recovering from Labiaplasty

While a labiaplasty is not the most invasive of surgical procedures, it still comes with a recovery period. As such, it’s important for patients to know what they need to do to minimize the chance of post-surgical complications and heal quickly and comfortably....
5 Reasons Why Women Have Labiaplasty Surgery

5 Reasons Why Women Have Labiaplasty Surgery

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reshape folds surrounding the exterior of the vagina, particularly the labia minora (inner labia) and the labia majora (outer labia). Labiaplasty changes the size or shape of the labia, typically making them smaller or...
Difference Between Vaginal Rejuvenation and Labiaplasty

Difference Between Vaginal Rejuvenation and Labiaplasty

A plastic surgery procedure that has come into increasing popularity over the course of the past few years is labiaplasty. In 2013, more than 5,000 labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation procedures were performed in the United States and that number has continued to...