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What Causes Gynecomastia to Come Back—And How Does Proper Technique Prevent It?

Gynecomastia is the overdevelopment of breast tissue in men. This condition is often called “man boobs,” because it gives the male chest a feminine appearance. Surgical removal is the most effective treatment for gynecomastia. However, even after this form of male plastic surgery is performed, the condition can sometimes recur due to a number of […]

Gynecomastia is the overdevelopment of breast tissue in men. This condition is often called “man boobs,” because it gives the male chest a feminine appearance. Surgical removal is the most effective treatment for gynecomastia. However, even after this form of male plastic surgery is performed, the condition can sometimes recur due to a number of factors.

Failure to Address the Underlying Causes

To avoid recurrence of gynecomastia, it is very important to address its underlying causes. There are several potential causes of a person’s gynecomastia, and the cause of yours will be discussed during your surgical consultation.

Hormonal imbalances can lead to redevelopment of glandular tissue in the male chest. When estrogen levels are high, it can lead to breast enlargement. Addressing the cause of the imbalance is vital.

Marijuana use is a potential cause of regrowth of excess tissue in the chest. Marijuana reduces testosterone levels, which can then result in breast tissue growth. Anabolic steroids can also lead to recurrence of the condition. If there is continued abuse of marijuana or steroid substances, surgery will not be enough to prevent the condition from coming back.

Certain medications can also lead to gynecomastia recurrence. In cases where prescription medications are contributing to this issue, it will be necessary to switch medications with the help of your doctor.

Weight gain after surgery can be another factor that can lead to gynecomastia. New fat cells can form in the surgically treated areas if a healthy lifestyle is not maintained. Remaining fat cells may also balloon in size.

Recurrence of excess tissue in male chests may also be attributed to pseudogynecomastia, a condition wherein excess fatty tissue is causing the appearance of male breasts. Patients who have pseudogynecomastia are at greater risk of having an enlarged chest again and should be treated with liposuction.

Proper Techniques to Prevent Regrowth of Male Breast Tissue

If an inexperienced surgeon handles a patient’s male breast reduction procedure, there is a possibility of incomplete excision. Glandular tissue and/or fat that has not been properly removed can be a cause of problems later. Subcutaneous fat deposits can grow large after surgery if not thoroughly removed.

Not all fat should be removed, since a degree of fat helps to maintain the manly shape of the chest. However, key deposits should be taken out properly.

A board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Parham Ganchi can effectively address crucial tissue to prevent regrowth. Combining surgical excision with liposuction allows Dr. Ganchi to effectively and precisely remove breast tissue, excess skin, and fat deposits.

Not all men with gynecomastia are the same, and there is certainly no one-size-fits-all method of performing surgery to eliminate enlarged male breasts. An examination of the chest area will be performed to ensure the surgical procedure yields permanent results.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you have previously undergone male breast reduction and are worried about developing “man boobs” again, get in touch with Ganchi Plastic Surgery for more information. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and we will gladly answer any queries you may have.

This information is for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as medical advice. Any change in your medical care should be first discussed with your physician.