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Dr. Parham Ganchi discusses trends in plastic surgery.

Breast Implant Removal in New Jersey

Women around the world see breast augmentation surgery and breast implants as a way to improve the contours and curvature of their bodies. In 2016 alone there were over 290,000 breast augmentation procedures performed in the United States and over 28,000 breast...

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Is Breast Reduction Surgery Right For You?

If your breasts are too large for your frame and out of proportion with the rest of your body, you might want to look into breast reduction surgery. During breast reduction surgery, also called reduction mammoplasty, your plastic surgeon will remove excess breast fat,...

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Inverted Nipple Correction

Inverted Nipple Correction

Some women want inverted nipple surgery. Plastic surgery for inverted nipple correction can be performed for healthy women who are over 18 years old and are not breastfeeding or pregnant. What are Inverted Nipples? A normal nipple protrudes from its place in the...

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Inverted Nipples – Causes and Treatment Options in NJ

Inverted Nipples – Causes and Treatment Options in NJ

For many people, having inverted nipples can be a source of concern. For women, having inverted nipples can interfere with breastfeeding. For both men and women they can be a source of self-consciousness. For many people, having inverted nipples can be a source of...

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Choosing the Correct Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Options Women decide to get breast augmentation for a wide variety of reasons, from breast reconstruction after mastectomy, to improving their post-pregnancy proportions, to feeling sexier in a swimsuit. It seems there are as many breast...

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Arm Lift Surgery For Flabby Arms

Arm Lift Surgery For Flabby Arms

What is Arm Lift or ‘Flabby Arm’ Surgery? Arm lift surgery, medically known as brachioplasty, is the procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to remove loose skin and fatty deposits from saggy upper arms. Why Would You Need Arm Lift Surgery? Age, health, heredity,...

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Rhinoplasty For A More Beautiful Face

Rhinoplasty For A More Beautiful Face

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in the world. When performed by an expert plastic surgeon, the “nose job” can truly refine and beautify the whole face while enhancing breathing. What is Rhinoplasty? One of the most frequently...

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Celebrity Tummy Tuck – Who Has Had One?

Actresses and Celebrities Who Have Had a Celebrity Tummy Tuck Not as well known as Botox injections, facelifts, and breast enhancements, celebrity tummy tuck remains a popular plastic surgery procedure for celebrities as well as those less in the public eye. Many...

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Breast Implants Before and After: How Will I Look?

Breast Implants Before and After discusses the different decisions you will make with your plastic surgeon when deciding on the size and shape of breasts and type of implants that will be right for you as you seek to increase breast size with small, medium or large...

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Does Hair Transplant Surgery Really Work?

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Really Work? Hair transplantation is an increasingly popular treatment for hair loss. In recent years, close to 85% of patients who have received hair transplants were men, while 15% were women. With requests for hair transplants on the...

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This information is for educational purposes and should not be relied upon as medical advice. Any change in your medical care should be first discussed with your physician.